Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lucy, Gidget and Annette

Lucy is a swimmer who teaches high school physical education.  She owns the world's meanest cat, Ethel and is terrified of bees.  She is following in her mother's footsteps by falling for all the wrong men.  Lucy's biggest nemesis is financial...she can't balance her budget.  Her solution?  Get a credit card.

Gidget works for a non-profit and has a heart of gold. She is an animal lover and ahead of her time; a vegetarian.  Her father, Jim, is a cop and Myra's talents include being a champion pistol shooter.  She carries a burning torch for her boss, Kenneth.

Annette drifts through life in a clueless state.  She survives on the generosity of men, who find adorable and want to protect her. She works as a receptionist and can pretty well make it through the day as long as the phone messages aren't too complicated.

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is just too funny! I love this blog! I have to share it with my 8 year old and bookmark it to link to it next time I make a Barbie outfit.
