Monday, October 3, 2011

Meet Veronica and Betty

If you were a fan of Archie comic books, you will remember Veronica and Betty.  Well, I got pretty tired of the blonde always coming off as sweetness personified, so this go-round, Betty will be the villain and the brunette will be the sweet one.

Betty is a divorced (heaven forbid in the 1960's!) woman from New York City.  This unemployed actress migrated to Texas in search of modeling work, but she's slinging hash at IHOP while she's waiting for her big break.  She doesn't "get" Texas culture, fears the giant cockroaches and wouldn't think of calling anyone, "Sweetie." Her sarcastic attitude and New York accent are cutting into her tips.  She claims the only good thing in Texas is the Margaritas.  Her dirty little secret?  Her ex-husband, Kenny, is in jail.

Veronica is the pride and joy of parents, Mary Nell and Beau. She is single and works as a travel agent. She is very familiar with every piece of equipment at the YWCA and rewards herself for keeping in shape by indulging in copious amounts of chocolate.  Her dream is to write a best-selling novel. Veronica's shame is that her grand-daddy made the family fortune by running bordellos and white lightning.

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