Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In Defense of the Fig - Fig Crostada

When it comes to figs, folks are in the love them or leave them category.  If you're not a fan of figs, I think this recipe may convert you.  This was served at the Chocolate Decadence progressive dinner last year and it was a big hit.  I've tweaked the recipe a bit, but it is basically the same yummy appetizer.
Fig Crostada
This is one of the few times I will tell you to start with a refrigerated pie crust.  Enjoy the moment.
1 refrigerated pie crust
Spread the pie crust on a cookie sheet or pizza pan.  Top with:
6 ounces cream cheese, softened
Mixed with:
1 Tablespoon orange juice
Zest of one orange, finely grated
Spread on top of pie crust.  Top with:
(I dig out all the large fig bits and leave the jelly stuff behind.  It will also work if you want to use just one jar and use the entire 13 ounces.)
            2- 13 ounce jars Bon Maman Fig Preserves
            Top preserves with:
             4x6 piece of thin prosciutto, torn into pieces
 Move around the outside edge of the pie crust and fold in the edges just a bit to make a rustic       looking crostada.  Brush the edges of the crust with leftover jelly or a beaten egg, to glaze. Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes and cut with pizza cutter into desired sliced or squares.
Lucy is going skiing with her boyfriend of the moment, Kirk, the boys' hockey coach.  He is such a loser, but she won't find out until it is too late.  He has 2 ex-wives and lots of alimony.  Her credit card is already reeling from the purchase of the new ski togs.  Wait 'til she discovers she will be financing most of this trip!

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